Emanuel M. Reviews

Nate McClellan
Emanuel M.
Service Technician
* Total number of reviews and star-ratings are based on data collected during the time period Crawford Services, Inc. has been using the ReviewBuzz system and may not directly match the data found on each public review site.
Crawford Services, Inc. has always provided me with great customer service for the heating and air conditioning in my home. When my air conditioning unit failed, a technician was sent right out to help me in the triple digit heat of July. I purchased a new heating and air conditioning system which it was installed professionally and in a timely manner. Our installer, Manual Zapata, and his son provided us with the best customer service. Thank you Crawford Services, Inc. (See More)
The tech was professional, courteous, and thoroughly inspected our A/C system. (See More)
I had a scheduled maintenance check on my furnace through Crawford and they did an efficient job of checking all components thoroughly. During this preventative maintenance check, they isolated one component that was still functional but beginning to fail. They advised me of its condition and eventual consequences once the component failed and gave me the choice of replacing it now or delaying the replacement. Since the potential impact was to a larger, more expensive downstream component, I elected to do the replacement immediately. They promptly pulled a new unit from the truck and installed it in a matter of minutes and I was back in business. Both techs were friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful with their explanations of all procedures. I'd heartily recommend them to anyone, and recommend Crawford Services in general. (See More)

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