; Simas Floor and Design design Sacramento, Sacramento carpet, area rugs, Sacramento flooring, Simas Floor and Design interior services reviews - Sacramento, CA

Last Updated: 05/18/2024

Featured 5 Star Employees

Thomas I. Sales Estimator

In my spare time I love exercising, riding my Harley, doing yard work and spending time with my family.

5-Star Rated
5-Star Rated
73 Reviews
David H. Sales Estimator

I've been in the flooring industry since 2000. I enjoy spending time with friends and family. My hobbies are beer and wine making which I drink while spending time with friends and family.

5-Star Rated
5-Star Rated
67 Reviews

* Total number of reviews and star-ratings are based on data collected during the time period Simas Floor and Design has been using the ReviewBuzz system and may not directly match the data found on each public review site.

Notable Team Members

Christian C.

Christian C.
I was raised in Sacramento and have been around the flooring industry my whole life. I worked as a flooring installer and in a flooring warehouse. I've been working in sales for about 3 years, and I'm continuing to expand my knowledge in the industry. I like to be as hands on as I can, and I'm always looking to learn new things. When I'm not working with floors I'm usually at home picking up after my one year old. Otherwise, I'm work on projects around the house, playing the drums, playing with my camera, and trying new hobbies.

  5-Star Rated
