Jovan S. Reviews

Nate McClellan
Jovan S.
Service Technician
1 years Experience
* Total number of reviews and star-ratings are based on data collected during the time period Blue Dot Services of Maryland has been using the ReviewBuzz system and may not directly match the data found on each public review site.
Jovan S. was very nice and did a great job (See More)
Jovan S. was my technician. He was here promptly as scheduled (actually early). Very efficient and explained everything to me to my satisfaction. Truly a valuable Team Member. (See More)
No comment (See More)
The service tech came and went. (On time). I showed him the furnace and told him the location of the heat pump (AC). Then I left him on his own. When he finished, he told me everything was in order and OK. I thanked him and he was on his way. Good job. (See More)
The service tech came and went. (On time). I showed him the furnace and told him the location of the heat pump (AC). Then I left him on his own. When he finished, he told me everything was in order and OK. I thanked him and he was on his way. Good job. (See More)

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