Bladimir R. Reviews

Nate McClellan
Bladimir R.
Service Technician
1 years Experience
* Total number of reviews and star-ratings are based on data collected during the time period Blue Dot Services of Maryland has been using the ReviewBuzz system and may not directly match the data found on each public review site.
The 5 star rating is for my service tech Bladimir A. Rivera. He was very professional and did a wonderful job explaining how everything works. I highly recommend Bladimir for all you service needs at Blue Dot. Thanks, Bladimir! (See More)
Bladimir provided excellent service and advice. He was very professional and personable (See More)
Excellent, friendly, informative, helpful, knowledgeable service from Bladimir Ruera. (See More)
Bladimir Rivera arrived at the correct time and quickly recognized that the thermostat problem was not that which was assumed. He remedied the problem, properly rewired the new thermostat and reviewed its features. Throughout his work he explained how the systems worked which allow us to better maintain the heating/air conditioning units. We were so impressed with his knowledge and professionalism that we asked him to return for the scheduled winter maintenance. This is why I have Blue Dot do the installations and why we maintain the maintenance contract. Worry free! (See More)
(no comment) (See More)
He very professional well done the job (See More)
Bladimir R was very professional and the work was done right,he is a great addition to your team! (See More)
Bladimir R from Blue Dot Services of Maryland was very professional and knowledgeable. He told me about services that I didn’t even know I was eligible for, and worked hard to find the answer to a problem we were having with our HVAC system. He also answered a question that I had, that no one seemed to have an answer for. Not only did he answer the question, he showed me how to work the vents to get better air flow during the summer and winter months. I am very pleased with the service we received today. (See More)
Bladimir Rivera was outstanding in his knowledge of my broken air system. He fixed it quickly. Gave me good information. He is an excellent technician. (See More)

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