Atomic Plumbing

60 More Online Reviews Than Their Nearest Competitor.

Virginia Beach, VA


Customer Since:

Atomic had a problem — even though they deliver outstanding customer service, they weren’t focused on getting online reviews. The result was that their online reputation was sagging – they had very few online reviews, and the ones they had weren’t great.

They turned to ReviewBuzz to help improve their online reputation. ReviewBuzz gave them the tools that made it easy for them to start asking for and getting more 5-star reviews.

Why Google Loves Atomic (And Atomic Loves Google)

“I had two negative Google reviews on Google prior to ReviewBuzz. I had four reviews altogether over a six-month period. Two of them weren’t great,” said Jim Steinle, president and owner of Atomic Plumbing.

“One of them was actually – when I saw the review, I called the customer up and apologized for picking a price too high. Told her, ‘Look, if you didn’t think you were treated properly or professionally, I’ll send your $69.00.’ She said, ‘That would be great. I don’t have any money.’ So, I did. She corrected the review – not corrected it, she added to it. But it still was a bad review and I remember thinking when starting with Review Buzz, I hope the first couple of reviews I get are Google so they’ll push everything down.

“Of course within a couple of days that’s exactly what happened, and it pushed those negative ones down and pushed all the other ones up. It’s been good ever since.

Making it Easy to get Great Online Reviews

Today, the reviews of Atomic Plumbing that people find on Yelp, Google,, and the Atomic website are great. Atomic credits the influx of great reviews to the ReviewBuzz system and strategies.”ReviewBuzz has helped us out tremendously,” added Steinle.

The ReviewBuzz system made it easy for his frontline service pros to ask for reviews, and they showed him that how you ask makes all the difference.socialmedia

Most service companies ask customers to write a review about the company. What they don’t know is that what makes all the difference in the quantity and quality of your online review is asking your customer to review you, the person who provided the service.

“When a job goes exceptionally well our guys go out of their way to ask for reviews, and the tool or the way of presenting it, ‘Hey, can you write a review for me?’ They’re not asking to write a review for the company.

“Customers will do that five times quicker for a person than they will for the company itself. Those real tools that you guys gave us to use have made a huge difference in the reviews that we get and the way that people see us.

All I’m doing is giving them the tools and the opportunity you guys have given me to share with them.

Success: It’s all about your people

“That’s really what we’re all about, is those frontline people that are really the linchpin to making it all happen. They’re the ones that are out there building the relationship and delivering the service and it plays such a critical in everything else that happens in the business.

“We do so well because I’ve got good people. It’s not me at all. All I do is just give the tools and steer them in the right direction. It’s my people that make my business go.

“If it weren’t for the girls who answer the phones, the technicians down the field, hell, I’d be a two-man operation busting my ass everyday making $50,000 a year.

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