Action Plumbing & Heating
3165S 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: (801) 833-3333

Action Plumbing & Heating - Our Reviews

Overall Rating

5154 star rating
(1053 Reviews)
2589 star rating (532 Reviews)
1666 star rating (340 Reviews)
Better Business Bureau
479 star rating (96 Reviews)
59 star rating (12 Reviews)
167 star rating (34 Reviews)
Happy Call
20 star rating (4 Reviews)
10 star rating (2 Reviews)
164 star rating (33 Reviews)

* Total number of reviews and star-ratings are based on data collected during the time period Action Plumbing & Heating has been using the ReviewBuzz system and may not directly match the data found on each public review site.

Our Reviews

We had a central air unit installed in March so it would be ready for summer. Action H&A has been great to work with . Communication is outstanding, technicians are extremely helpful as they explain things. TJ came out to fully charge our system since it was too cold to accept a full charge back in March. As he was running a little late waiting for the day to warm up he was in contact with me throughout the afternoon. When he showed up he was extremely courteous & answered any questions I had. My experience has been outstanding with this company. They have reminded me how a business should treat a customer.
Very friendly and fast. Thanks!
Kevin M.
RH the plumber was knowledgable, fast, polite, and I would be happy to have his service again! TP did agood job. s/ D.O.F.
Ryan H., Taneel P.

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